the crafty

Transform your brand’s potential with my simple, step by step method to give you the crafty edge.
Vardeep Edwards

let's get clever

Crafting an effective brand goes way beyond the logo and visuals. To give you the crafty edge, we need to start with what sets you apart from the competition and focus on why your clients and customers will choose you.


By being intentional about building your brand, you can create consistency, clarity, and confidence for you, your team, and ultimately, build trust among your target market. Which in turn leads to more business and sales. CLEVER & CRAFTY!

see my work


As an independent consultant, I draw on the expertise of trusted contractors from a diverse network who I can rely on for aspects of projects that I don't handle directly. This allows me to provide a more comprenhensive service to my clients and lets me focus on my core areas of expertise.

This also means I can be more flexible with how I work, who I work with and provide cost effective solutions for my clients. Being independent allows me and my clients the flexibility needed to complete projects on time and in budget.

Vardeep Edwards - The Branding Fox


For me, building a brand is a collaborative process. It’s your brand after all and you need to understand the why behind it.
Police Children's Fund


Who are you as a brand? What do you stand for? What’s unique about you? Why would people choose you over others? What’s your position in the market? Your sweet spot, that only you can own?

This phase is typically deliver through power hours, strategy sessions or workshops.  

book a free discovery call to get saRted


Now you know who you are as a brand, you can begin to craft an identity around it and bring it to life.

This phase typically includes logo design, visual identity and key messaging.

see my work
The Mothership Physio

3. Communicate YOUR BRAND

After getting clever and crafty with your brand, you can now communicate that with confidence to the world! 

This phase typically involves the creation of branded assets like your website, marketing materials, presentation decks, social media assets etc. 

I also work with a handful of selected trusted advisors to help bring your marketing, website and PR to life. Do get in touch if you’re interested in finding out more.

Ready to level up your brand?

The Mothership Physio
Setting up a business can be challenging, but Vardeep supported us throughout the process, not just at the end. Her concepts boosted our confidence in taking our brand to market, making us feel like a real team. I was amazed at the thoroughness of her questions, covering every aspect of our offering. She explained that this would help uncover the real essence of our brand.

Emma & Claire


Diana James
Vardeep took the time to ask some great questions which helped us focus as well to understand exactly who we serve, how we do this, and what made us different. Then she put this together into a beautiful brand identity package which we can use in our online and printed material. A pleasure to work with!

Diana James


Alan Bowman
We are a growing business and wanted to update our branding to something more bespoke, professional, and engaging, whilst staying true to the values we hold as an organisation. She has been a very responsive and attentive person to work with, and she took the time to listen and learn about what we do, how we are positioned relative to other businesses in our sector, and how we might effectively communicate this in our design language, tone, and appearance.

Alan Bowman


Elevate your brand today.
Discover your brand's uniqueness and get ready to share it with the world.
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